What I’d Want The Mother Of My Child To Be Like

For a time now I’ve been wanting to write a few words about parenting. Well, I wanted to write about my aspirations to be a parent at least. I often wonder what kind of parent I would be.Through describing the kind of mother I’d want my woman to be, it would then describe some of my own shortcomings. It would be my hope that she could balance that, or else, well – we’re in trouble… we’re in real big trouble.

I’d need the mother of my child to know the importance of sacrifice.

I don’t care how much success one ever attains, sacrifice will always manifest in one form or another. You have to be selfless for your child. A nurturing woman would be a plus too. A woman who can look beyond herself and empathize with her child is important. In as much as these all seem like the Captain obvious qualities to look for in this type of woman, you’d be surprised as to how many don’t possess such things.

I owe a great deal of how I treat people and how I approach many things to my mother.

She did all of which I mentioned above. The woman I have a child with I have to trust will teach my child good things as will I. She has to be my child’s biggest supporter, as will I. People of my generation, the millennial generation have a great opportunity to be the change we’d like to see. We were afforded so many technologies and life experiences that will benefit the children we raise. I ‘m of the belief that we’ll be the most candid generation of parents to date. Our kids will grow to arguably be the world’s most tolerant generation. But these things don’t happen unless we choose our partners wisely. This is just some stuff that’s been on my mind. I probably won’t have kids soon but when the right one comes along I’ll know.
What qualities would you be looking for in a potential mother or father for your child? What or who were the influences in you creating that list? Anyone else not a googoo gaga person like me? Am I just whack? Let me know, let’s get into it.
