Most children in Nigeria spend a great deal of their time in the classroom. We learned, took notes from our teachers, and dreaded the exams.
Honestly, most of our memories really isn’t about the academics part of schooling, but the little things we did like:
1. Saying “Good Moooooooorning sir/madam” as soon as the teacher walked in
We all stood up the moment the teacher walked in and bursted in a melodic stance. I’m not sure where it came from, but we all loved doing it!
2. Passing notes
Before technology came with WhatsApp, texting, and social media, passing notes was the ish. It could range from arranging a fight after school or a love note to that girl you couldn’t take your eyes from. God forbid if the teacher caught you passing notes in class!
3. Cracking jokes about the teacher
Especially the ones who had R and L problems, or was it the way they dressed?
4. Scribbling on the desk
Either with a BIC pen or a blade. If you do not scribble your name or ‘nickname’ on a desk, you were just not part of the cool kids club!
5. Paper ball fights with friends
Remember, rolling up a bunch of paper and aiming at your friends head? Fun times!
6. Making paper planes
Captain planet plane was my favorite. We spent hours designing and building the fastest paper planes so we can complete with our friends and claim bragging rights during break time or after school!
7. Sitting in the front desk/row
The not so academically inclined students never sat in front of the class with the fear of being on the teachers radar. The only disadvantage to sitting in front of the class is, most times you missed all the fun in the class.
8. Or sitting in the back row
This is saved for the ‘bad boys’ club. The most fun students in class, always talking and joking. When anything erupts in class, all heads turn to the back!!
9. Playing pen fight or Tic Tac Toe
The days your teacher was sick and couldn’t come to school, or rainy days. What else do you do in class?
10. Counting down to ‘break time’ or PE
These were the two favorite times of the day for every student, and when sometimes the time appears to magically slow down, you keep itching for the bell to ring NOW!
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