The Cycle Of Envy: The Types Of Women Other Women Will Always Be Jealous Of

I dare you to find a woman who loves herself completely — every inch, every hair, every detail and every angle of herself. I dare you to find a woman who doesn’t want to change one thing, isn’t jealous of one person and who isn’t completely and utterly absorbed with fixing at least one thing about herself.

The one with everything going for her

She has beauty, brains, connections and just about the best personality, so you can’t even call her a bitch. She’s got a great boyfriend and a wardrobe that puts your overly planned Anthropologie outfit to shame. She’s got perfect skin, hair and teeth and you long for her life more than you long for your own desires. She is perfect and you just know that you would be happier if you were here.

The one who gets all the attention

Anywhere you go, she steals the spotlight. She gets the attention of all the men and the envy of all the women. She is funny, witty and just about the coolest person you know.

The one with the great body

We all know that girl who has the perfect hourglass shape, complemented by a tiny waist. The fact that she doesn’t even go to the gym is just icing on the cake you wish you could throw in her face. She wears outfits you could never pull off and even you can’t help but imagine her naked at times. But like the woman with the perfect hair or flawless skin, she doesn’t have everything, even if it looks like she does.


  1. Mr Femi wrong analysis, i am woman who does not love every inch of me; there are things i would love to change about my body, as i am typing this I a m as broke as broke don't even know how to pay my transport to the villag neither do i attract attention every where I go but man you are wrong. I am not jealous of them rich pretty successful girls nor either jealous of those pretty girls, I love them, i admire them but jealous hell no for despite few insecurities here and there i am very proud of me so Mr man get your facts right. And you are you telling me you like everything in your body? Lol are you sure?


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