Should A Woman Be Part Of The First Rent??

A man and a woman fall in love and decide to settle down together and have a family.  The general belief is that the man is supposed to pay for the rents, especially the first one as the wedding is approaching. Now the question is, do you think it is right for the woman to be a part of the first rent? Ladies, can you be a part of the payment of rent even when you have not been officially tied together? Guys, do you think it makes any sense at all to allow a woman to pay for the house you will both live in??

Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Why don't you drop a comment and tell us what you think


  1. It is not right for a woman to b part of d first rent cuz d man would gradually start shifting his responsibilities to her

  2. It's not right!it is the man's responsibility to provide accommodation for the woman and that's why he wants to "gbe iyawo".to avoid shame and keep his ego,it is advisable for aa man to pay the rent.

  3. It's not right!it is the man's responsibility to provide accommodation for the woman and that's why he wants to "gbe iyawo".to avoid shame and keep his ego,it is advisable for aa man to pay the rent.


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