Guys will break up with girls, and girls will break up with guys. It's inevitable and - unclear why this happens sometimes. While I cannot speak for women, I'll do my best to represent the younger man's prospective. So what makes a guy ever want to dump a girl?
The truth may be cruel, but younger guys have yet to see the whole world. We feel we have not yet explored the hundreds and thousands of potential mates and this makes us 'itchy' sometimes. Relationships that start at a very early stage are usually not taken seriously. They end up being a fun experiment where both the male and female discover themselves more - or so we think.
Note: these are my opinions and are only written for your consideration. They should not taken too seriously. Now that I have my little disclaimer set on the side, here are reasons that may make a guy want to dump his girlfriend.
Guys dump girls because of another girl
There's usually (though not always) another girl involved in the picture. This new girl could be someone who has the favorite attribute the guy admires. For instance, personality, hair color, eyes, body size, and so on.
For the most part, money or possessions won’t make a guy break up with a girl. Finance will play a huge role in the relationship later, but not now. While we're in our 20's, starting a family and proving a stable income is one of the last things on our minds.
Guys dump girls because they cease to be fun
Our girlfriends are boring. A gal who is outgoing and shares similar things in common is necessary. Someone who isn’t afraid of being adventurous will make a relationship more exciting. You don’t have to be the next person to climb the highest mountain, but just don’t be afraid to try new things with us.
A girl who'd rather stay home and not get involved with us defeats the purpose of a companion. Activities can involve small things like going to the gym.
Guys dump girls when they find out they're dull
There is something about talking to a brick wall that doesn’t seem fun anymore.
Being around a nice, hot-looking young lady is great and all, but it gets old after a while. There is something more to a companion than just looks. I know this is slightly unbelievable, especially from a guy’s prospective, but it’s true.
I'm not saying looks aren't important (they are - to a young guy) but that can only keep a relationship going for so long. Girls tend to lean towards guys who're more affectionate, rather than great-looking ones (correct me if I’m wrong). Us guys will eventually sway towards the intelligence department too. Quite frankly, looks isn’t everything. It gets the foot in the door, but that’s about it.
Guys dump girls when they're too clingy
Sometimes we just need our space.
This is one of the big reasons why guys dump girls. When you interact with someone attractive, and there is a spark, you’d want to keep the moment going. Then all of a sudden, that attractive person says ‘I need to go” What happens?
I remember a time when I was attracted to this girl. For the first few days, we kept in touch about everything. Each day I received a good morning text (which was great waking up to) and got to know her more and more each day.
Afterwards, the contact between us became redundant. Not only did I know too much about her at this point, the attractiveness subsided because I knew her too well. A lot of guys like it when girls keep a little mystery to keep the attractiveness level high.
I’m not saying that I don’t like interacting with the opposite gender, but sometimes a little space and wondering does the mind good.
Add me 2B22673E, responsible girl alone 18-19, tall good looking slim.