1. The On-Again-Off-Again-On-Again One
Some months it’s hot, and others, not so much. It gets to the point where you just leave your relationship status on Facebook as “single” because it is just too annoying to keep changing it up. You can never really get it right, but you really, really try. And try. And try.
2. The One That's ALL About the Sex
If epic orgasms were the basis of a strong, healthy relationship, this guy would be marriage material. But then one of you talks and you realize that you have literally nothing in common and it could never work long-term.
3. The One Your Friends Say is Doomed from the Start
You'll find yourself saying “No really, if you knew him, you’d understand!” But despite your best efforts to convince your friends/parents/manicurist, they'll probably still swear this dude is not worth you time. Eh, they may be right, but some lessons you have to learn on your own.
4. The One Where You Become Official in, Like, 24 Hours
They say to take it slow, but who freaking cares? You have to tell the WORLD that you’ve found each other!
5. The One Where You Never Actually Become Official
Are you dating? Are you friends? Are you "special friends?" Who cares, it’s fun and easy and there’s no pressure in this set-up. (Except you actually really care and this is so beyond frustrating.)
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