1. Buy him stuff – It’s perfectly okay to send a guy a card. Women have to be honest with themselves though. Personally, I’ve always felt a certain way about gifts from women. If you know me, you know that I almost always turn them down. I’ve heard the craziest stories when it comes to women buying stuff for men. “Wait, you really bought him a new suit because he got a new job? Is that your boyfriend? No? That’s crazy, don’t do that anymore.” The hands down worse, “You paid his RENT?! He must be beating the brakes off you in the bedroom. Wait, y’all not even sleeping together… yet? Let’s move on…”
2. Show up unexpectedly – When you stop answering their calls, texts, emails, Skype chats, Gchats, Facebook messages, LinkedIn messages, etc. they do the next logical alternative, they show up unexpectedly. They either want to be heard, or they just need to see you. Women have this strange habit of thinking that if they can just get you to see them, you’ll take them back.
3. Trap him – There are some women who are Relationship Jihadists. They’ll ruin their life, their family life, the man’s life, everybody’s life in the vicinity of her reach will be ruined when she’s done with him. This rarely works to be completely honest too. If you guys couldn’t manage to last 60 days, how the heck are you going to last 21 years?
4. Go super submissive – Only two things can happen to super submissive women; they end up alone, or in abusive relationships. The super submissive woman has absolutely no backbone. She thinks that if she doesn’t rock the boat and does everything to make him happy, it will last. In reality, that won’t work. If every time a man pushes you fall, he’ll push you out of the way onto the next.
5. Go into denial – Have you ever had a girl going around telling everybody she had a man but the guy kept saying, he didn’t have a girl? That’s almost always a woman in denial. I know a lot of you will claim that men have problems claiming their women. Nope, usually it’s because she considers him to be in a relationship with her because they are working it out. In his mind, he thought “please stop calling me” means he’s single.
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ReplyDeleteThere is no reference to where u got it from so i'll assume u wrote it and if so, u must have dated a lot of desperate women. Lol!