Only God Could Have Done This! "How I escaped from Kidnappers' den"

God, my father, l say 'Thank You'. The Lord is the Honor of all His people. He is truly my Honor. 

The Lord binds the wicked king with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron. The Almighty God did it on my behalf. Why should l hide His praise? Why should l keep quiet? 

I am rejoicing today and singing for joy because God conferred His glory and beauty upon me. The Lord took pleasure in me and beautified and adorned me with victory. Did l take your time? Don't mind me.  

April 10th,2014, a Thursday, l went to Pa-pa -  a town in lfo Local government of Ogun state. 

I was coming back home towards Lagos so l had to board a seemingly commercial cab in front of the fuel station there. Already the front seat was occupied and 3 passengers were also seated.  

 They were waiting for the 4th one. That is how l joined them on a journey that led to hell, but the grace of God brought me out. 

We had not covered 10meters when they started the argument on one money one of them brought into the car. 

 Pls, read through it first as this story is different from the many you might have heard. I did not join them in their discussion. So they invited me to join in the discus, l was not moved. By this time the box of money was removed from the boot from inside the car. It was opened and lot of money was there. However, there was a riddle, according to them. 

 On top of the money was a charm wrapped up. The others before now were talking of sharing the money, now to remove the charm? I decided to come out of the vehicle. I was not allowed. Their countenance changed. I had seen the money. lf l wanted to be allowed to go, l had to remove the charm so the man that brought the money would not die or turn mad. Ok. 

 l asked if l could pour anointing oil on the man and the charm. l had a bottle in my small bag. NO WAY. They chorused. How authentic was the oil and the pastor that anointed it. They were trying to avoid contact with anointing oil. What is the next thing to do now, l asked them. 'All of us have to go to one powerful man for solution'. I knew then that this was a big problem. 

l did not say anything any longer but started praying within me. We got to Singer bus stop at Sango and they turned off the express road. The journey continued inside the community down to where there were no more clustered houses, and we stopped. We were asked to come out and entered into one hall or room. At the entrance was a talking statue that the Yorubas called "Osayin". 

On getting near it, it spoke.'Don't let this one in, the man in white. (I was wearing a white shirt). The man does not mix anything with his faith. Do l even need to say everything that happened there? I passed through a lot of drama. One man from among the people we met there brought out a horn to lick or touch with our tongue. 

l refused, telling him that the oracle had spoken that they should not have anything to do with me. They told us to bring everything on us out...the 3 others with whom l shared the back seat in the cab were already responding to all they told us. They bought out all the money on them and phones. They were already hypnotized.

l was still alert,thank God. 'Each of you has to donate 50000naira to do the ritual. God is good. Though, l had some money on me then about 40000naira, l was telling God not to make me lose my life, my reasoning and material. I dont know what made me tell them to allow me take money from my bag in the car. They thought l wanted to escape, so they thereby detained a man to follow me to the car. From there l was able to remove N1500 to give them. l told them to allow me go home to get them the remaining balance. 

Thinking l might not come back, they collected my house keys. Who made them do all this? It was God that confounded them. They called an okadaman to take me out of that place. But in my presence, the other 3 were led inside. The driver and man sitting at the front were the agents or their 'markman'. 

Only God could have done my escape and given me on a platter of gold. People of all races, join me (if you are reading this) to praise d Lord, the Maker of heaven and the earth.Stand up and worship Him because He can do some greater than this miracle for you. PRAISE THE LORD!

Culled From Kemi Filani
