Before Calling Your Girlfriend A Slut, Read!

Most of us guys are quick to judge women: "That Ngozi babe is loose, 3 boyfriends in 1 year!". "I still can't believe it, my girlfriend just told me she's slept with 8 guys. Geezuus! She is not wife-material!"
 But have we ever stopped to look at the world through their own eyes? The Indians used to say, don't judge a man until you walk a mile in his moccasins (Lol, some funny dude added; so that you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes grin). The average looking girl, in her prime, gets offered sex a million times more than the richest, sexiest dudes ever would. Most good looking girls get chyked and offered sex massively, every single day. It could be very subtle, like when the guy offers to give you a lift in his car, compliments her on her new hair. Or blatant, like when he comes all out and makes his intentions known. At just 5 chykers a day, that translates to frightening figures like 365 X 5 = 1,825! times in just ONE year. And then, there's the next year, and the next year and the next year...Lord knows that if girls chyke me like that on a daily basis, that I will become useless, won't ever go to work again grin. And Rough Rider, Durex and Gold Circle will all give me a combined Platinum VIP Card grin. And to add petrol to fire, these marrafokers come bearing gifts. Bribes.
Tempting, hard-to-resist, mouth-watering bribes. Money, phones, clothes, travel, jewelry and comfort - in all it's devilishly disarming forms. Sincerely, I am yet to meet any guy that can withstand the onslaught of temptation, the barrage of inducement that our girls have to deal with EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yet we feel we are on a moral high-ground and have the right to judge them. Truth be told, If most of us stood to gain even the smallest of material benefits from having sex, we would all line the streets at night in body-hugging micro clothing! Our society encourages women to dress sexy & feel sexy but at the same time strongly disapproves of them expressing it to the full. It's really unfair the societal pressure we mount on them to conform to our 'ideal' and repress their most natural desires. Our fellow human beings who possess the same powerful drives that we do. Is it not the height of hypocrisy. You sleeping with any available living thing that moves. And then turning around to judge women for being picky, showing discipline and resisting temptation. Maybe she once had a one-night stand, so what? Maybe she once slept with someone for money, so what? Maybe she had 10 boyfriends, e he?? If you look at it closely, we guys are actually the real sluts. The hypocritical sluts. The Sadducees and Pharisees grin tongue.

Now, if you were a girl, from the bottom of your heart, do you think you could ever be half as good?


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  3. My man I love u so much for this piece. Keep it up and help me tell them

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  5. Wow nice write up...lauhrex

  6. I love this...I wish all guys will get to read it....lovely writeup....

  7. Nice piece, simply love it!


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