I was in a Keke NAPEP on my way back from my classes on Telecoms and networking last Saturday, when I got into a thrilling conversation with a 4-year old boy who spoke like he was 7.
We talked about a man sitting to my right whom he hit in the face by accident, debating whether or not he should say “sorry”. We discussed cartoons—he liked Power Rangers which was my best cartoon after Bugs Bunny and Spiderman. We talked about his 2-year old brother that had the annoying habit of tearing his note, and always stubbornly refused to ever say sorry. We talked about his school and how they sing whenever it was break-time. But when I asked him, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” he replied, “I want to be a Wizkid.”I know he didn’t mean a “whiz kid” because when the Keke NAPEP turned at a junction and passed a painting of Wizkid, he pointed to it and said “I want to be that Wizkid when I grow up.” His mum, sitting on my left, was busy saying over and over, “God forbid! God forbid! You will become who you are supposed to be”, while he constantly countered her repetitions with his, “I’m going to be Wizkid when I grow up.”
At length, we reached our destination and because we had a great conversation I got drinks for the kids and waved at them as they left with their mum.
But the whole thing stuck to my mind—the intelligent kid, Power Rangers and Wizkid.
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