1. Out of your league. Sometimes, a guy gets rejected because he aimed too high. Let’s face it, there are some women that most guys never have a chance with. It might be about looks or money or age or whatever else. If you shoot for the stars, you can’t be surprised if you crash land.
2. Just not her type. Sometimes, a guy is just not what a woman is looking for. It could be something about personality or maybe she’s just not physically attracted to him. Maybe the chemistry isn’t there for her. There’s not much you can do about this, other than just accept it.
3. Being too cocky. Arrogance is the way some guys cope with their perceived shortcomings. For whatever reason, they think that coming off as cocky will cover up the fact that they’re insecure or short or boring or whatever. It never works. Being yourself, whoever that is, beats arrogance any day.
4. Fouling the waters. Unfortunately, bad hygiene is an all too common reason that women reject men. Luckily, it is an easily preventable one. It’s pretty simple. Wash yourself, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, run a comb through your hair, and you’re pretty much there. It’s easy for guys to get cleaned up and ready to go out. Put in that minimal effort. If you’re not clean, you will be rejected.
5.Just not in the cards. Sometimes, you’re just unlucky. You approach a woman you’re into, whom on any other day might like you, too. But for whatever reason, she’s having a bad day. Maybe she had a fight with a friend or a bad day at work or maybe she’s just under the weather. You’ve got to accept that there’s always an element of chance to things, and sometimes, the timing just isn’t right.
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