For the first time in human history, women can boast of being truly independent and it should be celebrated. We have successful women in every field today but are women still wired to depend on a man even when they are successful?
A woman’s first question when she meets a man is the same all over the world, “what job do you do?” No matter how successful the woman is, they are always tempted to ask this question.
There is this popular saying among women “my money is my money and my man’s money is our money”. Even if a woman earns more, they still feel a man should take care of their needs. Is a woman really wired to think this way?
When a man is looking for a partner, looks and youth are the major criteria for him. That’s why most men would go for any lady irrespective of her background. It’s different for a woman. No matter how successful a woman, she still goes for a man with higher social standing.
So is it safe to say a woman would always prefer the man to be the breadwinner? Is it also safe to say a woman would never be comfortable if she earns more than the man?
In an age where women are more independent financially than ever in human history, shouldn’t the modern woman stop looking for a man that has a higher earning power than her? Should a woman still judge her potential partner by how much he earns?
If a woman is truly independent, maybe they should go for looks instead of a man’s earning power. Maybe they should stop asking questions like “what job do you do?” Maybe a truly independent woman should be more concerned about her satisfaction and not how much the man earns.
Maybe a woman is wired to depend on a man no matter how successful she is? Maybe a woman is built to get a man more powerful than she is, a man she feels can protect her.
Maybe someone can help me answer this. Is a woman wired to depend on a man?
Femi it's not like a woman cnt pay her billz, buh a man should be able to take care of his woman