Have you read that right, you wonder? Isn’t it always the
other way around? Men are traditionally always called the unfaithful ones and
the ones most likely to cheat. But there isn’t any rule in the book that says
women won’t do it too. They are probably just more subtle or selective about
it. Unlike men, with women it isn’t so much an ego boost or a way of reassuring
themselves of their intimate prowess. With women the motivations are often far
more complex, but of course, no less inexcusable.
Why Do Women Cheat? And Are There Some Women More Prone To
Cheating Than Others?
1. The Thrill-Seeker
There are some women who cheat just for the adventure and
the sheer high they get from it. This kind of woman usually craves the variety
and excitement of one-night stands or short-term affairs. She gets easily bored
with the routine and the predictable and loves to live life a little
dangerously. That includes seeking a little loving on the side.
2. The Beauty Queen
This kind of woman may not actively seek to stray. The
opportunities just keep presenting themselves. She is extremely attractive and
sensuous, and somehow men get drawn to her despite themselves and against their
better judgment. And of course, it doesn’t seem to matter to either party that
one or the other is in a committed relationship.
3. The Insatiable
There are some women who just aren’t content with the
physical side of their relationships. They are never satisfied with their sex
lives, or in some cases their partners fail to show enough interest in them.
Either way they are left wanting. And this drives them to other men’s arms, in
an effort to seek pleasure and satisfy their innermost desires.
4. The Cheating Addict
And then there’s the woman for whom cheating is an addiction
as sure as others are addicted to alcohol. By cheating, she reassures herself
that she is still attractive and men find her desirable. Or she has had an
insecure or unpleasant childhood; or an early adulthood which has left its mark
on her. As a result of which she finds it hard to commit to a relationship and
trust her instincts. By cheating, she knows where she's at and is in control of
the situation, while keeping her emotions intact.
5. The Unfulfilled Woman
This woman is deeply dissatisfied with her current relationship.
She is either deprived of attention from her current partner, or is being
neglected and needs to be reassured of her feminine attributes. Or she's just
plain lonely and needs to be held, which often leading to intimacy and an
affair .
6. The Tit-For-Tat Woman
And then there’s the woman who knows she’s being cheated
upon and in her hurt and anger she feels it's payback time. And so decides to
hit back in the same measure. Having done that, she realizes it’s not so bad
after all and figures two can play the same game. If you are in a relationship
with this kind of a woman, and have just discovered she’s cheating on you, you
have to figure out your stake in the relationship. And what, if any, is your
contribution to her straying.
If you realize that you have let her down with your neglect,
or possibly lack of attention, sexually or otherwise, you are right in feeling
that cheating does not justify it. You will have to decide, whether or not
there are reasons behind her cheating on you, if you would like to work through
it. Or if it is a chronic problem and you can never trust her again, whether
you want out
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