Death By Banging

Something crawled in the dark just below the dumpster at the corner of Mears and Walker. Amara looked behind her back and held her bag tightly. The content of the purse was something that she would rather be killed than robbed. The cold September air caressed her bare face with its icy touch as she hurriedly made her way forward. It was one of the nights she wished she had followed Biibi to Sun-city, Johannesburg. Pretoria was beginning to get a little dry and sales was dropping by the days and paying pervs. Nobody wanted to pay her price anymore. Chei, she swore! Oju-Ore runs in Nigeria came to her mind and how wonderful it was to wake up with at least twenty thousand naira in her purse. As hard as living as a sex-peddler in Lagos was, the hawkers knew how to maneuver their ways around police raids. Nothing harsh could be done to them and they knew the necessary hands to grease when corners got tight. Unlike the streets of Mushin, the streets here were filled unwilling participants in the business. She heard the meow of a cat somewhere near but this time she didn’t pause to see where it had come from. She wanted to get as far away from this particular street as fast as possible.
The man in blue had made it clear that he didn’t want to see her anywhere near Sunnyside after the deal. Damn! she swore out loud, how the heck did she get herself into such big trouble. She had left Nigeria for a better life and the decision to tread this part hadn’t shown this piece of the puzzle. She had left with mind of a bull and two hundred thousand naira on her sweat and cum. The business she was able to open only lasted six months, everyone knew how to make hair. Then she had been introduced to the rosy side gig and her greed took over. Another yelp from the night furry crawlers and Amara put more life to her feet. She had done what he had asked her to do. She had stolen the brown envelope that was supposed to contain ten kilo of cocaine. It was from the stupid Jenkins and his pervert wife. Amara winced at the thought of how painful it had been to endure the couple’s extreme threesome. Despite the excruciating pain, Amara wasn’t ready to go back to Lagos just yet. She had taken the pain and screamed in feigned delight so Mrs Perv-Tar would leave her alone. They had paid Amara 300 rands for her part in their kinky set up. It was a nice adddition Amara wasn’t ready to let go of.
Ama had waited for Tar to go rushing into the bathroom to pee. For whatever reason, Ty had gone after her. It was a perfect opportunity for Amara, so she slipped the drug the blue-dude had given her into their drinks. But, it scared the be-jesus out of her when Tar suddenly burst into the room and asked what she was doing with their drinks, Ama had to improvise. The couple fell for the trick. Tar was the first one to drop. Few seconds after, unaware of his wife’s unconscious state, Ty fell on top of her. Amara had taken what she had to take and had fled the scene. She didn’t have any plan at that moment, she just wanted to go as far as her legs could carry her.
To be continued
Written By Lola
