Only God Could Have Done This! I got the job of my dream in an unexpected way...

Culled from Kemi Filani

I have a testimony and l want to use your blog as a medium of testifying to the greatness of God.
For years, 7years to be precise, l worked in a company where l was underpaid. There, we had no organizational structure so promotion was out of it.
My prayer point every year since 2008 has been a good husband and better job. 
I prayed and prayed,yet there was no result . After a while l gave up on God and stopped praying and tithing.
 My relationship with God became an on and off affair. This moment l would go to church, do double tithing and abstain from sins. The next moment l would be living my life as l pleased. I believed that God did not want to answer me. Towards the later part of last year, l was still  living my life as it pleased me. I only went to church whenever the mood dictated.
But l want to tell you that God is merciful  and His compassion is great. He just decided to pick me up, bathe me and put ornament of remembrance upon me. Before l knew it, God blessed me with a job, l mean a job where l was earning 3times my former salary and where promotion is steadily  moving. This was two years ago.

I just want to use this opportunity to encourage everyone out there that God surely answers, it might take a while but he surely does and he never forgets us. 
I am still looking up to him for a husband but l am no longer deterred. I believe that God has the best for me even at HIS own time which is the best time. Should the devil try to make me doubt HIM, it is late now. I have experienced God's miracle first hand and l have learnt to depend on Him. 
If God says,'Yes' nobody can say,'No and that if he is not saying yes now it is because it is not yet time. His Word says, 'For l know my thoughts towards you are thoughts of good to bring you to an expected end'. 
He will never forsake us.



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