Only God Could Have Done This! A man older than my father was toasting me

Culled From Kemi Filani

I often look forward to this colun on Sundays and I
am glad i finally have a testimony to share too. I am now in
my final year at the University. During the second
semester of our 400Level we had to go for a six month
Industrial Attachments. It was meant to start in July 2014
and end by December.
I submitted the IT forms to various organizations, sat for
their entry exams, had good results in some of them but to
be told there was no vacancy for me.
I learned the condition of the land in a hard way.To find a
place to do IT was like a case of a camel passing through
the eye of a needle.
I am a Food Technology student. Apart from satisfying the
requirements of the University, l needed to work on things l
had learnt so far, gaining practical experience-a knowledge
that could make me stand on my own.
Nigeria, my beloved country, we are made to learn and talk
about !

In our fellowships in school, we had been told that we
should look to God and God alone in our search for
placement on occasion like IT.
We were told except God help us, the situation is so that
our parents may not be able to help us except they are
super rich and super powerful . Nigeria.
I came out and for three months l could not get anywhere. I
walked the streets of Lagos and Sango Ota in Ogun state
but met with frustrations.
I even got to a place where l felt my services would be
needed and l would also gain extensively in experience
only to find the Company lawyer, a man that is older than
my father, toasting me. He dangled before me the 'old
carrot' , as a condition of getting a place there.
Here, l say Thank You Lord for not allowing the frustration
to take a toll on me as to give in to a cheap blackmail.
And truly, the waiting helped me in a way. When all else
failed and on the fourth month, l looked away from man
helping me and cried to God. I was now desperate for God
to show me HIS power.
And HE did. He put a place in my heart which l never knew
my course could be relevant to.
I put a call to a classmate if she knew anyone with our
course ever working there. This was affirmed that a student
who is our senior did his IT there. I said thank You Lord for
directing my step.
I went and dropped an application letter with the form.l was
invited for a written exam and l believed l passed because
that same instance. l was given some forms for medical
tests in their hospital.
That same day l went for the test.
Glory be to God. He alone can make all things possible.
Even at that stage, the enemy played his pranks. Obstacles
were also placed on my getting through.
Between the hospital and the management, there were
issues l did not understand and could never.
After repeated calls to the place, l was told by the official in
charge that my test reports were not yet sent.l went to the
hospital to ask them only to be told that it had been sent
within 72hours of their testing me.
A true battle ! Nobody could come in for me now except the
Praise be to the Lord, Who knows all things and can do all
things. He perfected what HE started. He showed me the
battles in life are real and fierce, who can survive it?
He made it for me.
I can confidently say the place is right for me. What had
been packaged into the two and a half month stay was
greater than what l could have learnt in a year in another
Many things about food processing both for local and
international consumptions l had gained.
It has been the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes
(for me and my people )
We saw God at work. Hallelujah
