Keeping Your Legs Closed

Sex is good. And for many of us, sex is great. It can make your eyes roll, toes curl, head snap back and legs tremble with so much intensity you think there’s an earthquake happening. But in a blossoming relationship, sex can be risky. If not with the right person, having sex too early will most likely leave you depressed —in other words, dude will up and jet as soon as he gets what he wants, burdening you with an achy heart and have you feeling like a complete fool,
well unless that’s all you were looking for as well. Or you might discover that the man you thought was the good, clean-cut man-of-God is a low-down dirty dog who never deserved getting your goods in the first place. Here come the shoulda, coulda, wouldas…It may be hard to do, but waiting for sex allows you time to forge a deeper connection with your mate. The more you talk—the more you get to know him and learn about his childhood friends, treasured secrets and favorite past times—the deeper your bond will be, which not only makes it easier for him to respect you (and vice versa). You see, when you jump right to the covers, sex tends to end up being the basis of the relationship, and if it’s not good, you’ll probably call it quits. With no real feelings involved, you won’t be open to teaching your man how to love you the way you want to be loved, even if he is fully equipped in every other department. No enthusiasm, no passion. If you’re serious about a guy, make sure you make him wait a little while before he gets a chance to get you in the sack. Sex is a powerful thing, and if you decide to knock the boots before you feel him out and know what he’s all about, you could be ruining a chance at something good.

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  1. Word and guys this days don't want to hear. No touching talk les of kissing, they will take off even bros from Church .God have mercy


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