Easy Ways To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Get those amazing things out of the kitchen counter, they work wonders!
Stretch marks are unsightly and can lower a lady's self esteem but these simple home remedy helps make difference in little time.
1. Cocoa butter helps reduce stretch marks.
2. Lemon juice also helps cure stretch marks. Apply lemon juice on the specific areas and leave it on for about 10 minutes, before you wash.
3. Rubbing egg whites on affected areas also help in diminishing the stretch marks.
4. Lastly, use a good moisturizing cream on the affected areas every day. A dry skin might make them itchy and applying a moisturizing cream can help you get rid of the problem.


  1. Wher can one get natural cocoa butter?

    1. You can make it yourself. It's basically coconut oil and ori mixed together. I use it n it works wonders


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